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With Eternity in Mind

Updated: Apr 18

goal setting note book planner on desk with flowers, scissors and paper clips

New year resolutions. They're easy to make, but just as easy to break.

The reality of that statement in my life is almost embarrassing. I don't know how many times over the years I've made the list and that's as far as my good intentions carried me.

As I started to think about what goals I wanted to pursue this year my mind churned with the reasons why I've failed to follow through in the past:

  1. I've made the list too long and the goals too big.

  2. Other things have still competed for my attention.

  3. My motives have been all wrong.

Okay so here's the list of things I've thought about doing this year:

  • Milling my own flour so I can make my own bread, pasta, pastries etc. that are healthier and more wholesome than what I can get at the store

  • Making my own skin care, hair care and household products with essential oils and other natural ingredients

  • Reading a new book each month to help clients struggling with anxiety

  • Writing a Book (I admit this has been a goal for years)

  • Business Goals: Creating an online program and starting a podcast

I honestly think this is my best list yet: the goals are specific and I have ALL year to accomplish them. But a list doesn't get me anywhere.

Typically if I haven't accomplished what I've set out to do by the end of January, my response is to scrap the whole list and hope I'll do better next year.

For whatever reason I have this idea in my mind that if I don't get the entire list accomplished before the year expires, I've failed. I feel lousy and unmotivated because within the first month I've already dropped the ball on every one of my goals.

This ties into my second point: goals aren't accomplished because there are still other things competing for my attention on a daily basis.

Dinner needs to be made. Clothes need to be cleaned. Kids need time and attention. Dishes don't rinse and wash themselves. The list goes on.

Instead of scrapping the list this year, I've decided to make it more manageable and less stressful. How?

By making the list and goals smaller.

My edited list looks like this:

  • Buy stone milled flour and learn how to make bread

  • Work on making a face scrub

  • Ask God what direction I should go with my business

Goal setting isn’t meant to limit us, it’s meant to encourage us to step with intentionality in the right direction. It’s about taking one step at a time, not climbing the entire stair case in one massive leap.

This leads into the third reason why I so easily break resolutions/goals: My motives are all wrong.

If my motive for getting into bread making is because I'm jealous of friends or people I follow on social media who are already doing this . . .

If my motive for making my own skin care products is because I want to look better and be able to boast in my accomplishment . . .

If my motive for starting a Podcast is because I want the attention and for people to know who I am . . .

I'm standing on sinking ground because each of these goals is rooted in selfish desires.

If we want to create any lasting changes in our lives, our heart's motive needs to ultimately be to honour God. If honouring God isn't the ultimate goal behind the small goals, then there's no lasting reason to continue pursing them.

If your goal is to get to the gym, do it because you want to honour God by taking care of the body that is considered a temple of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

If your goal is to declutter your house, do it because you want to honour God by taking care of the home He has so graciously blessed you with. (Luke 16:10)

If your goal is to pay off debt, do it because you want to honour God with the money He has provided and to use it in ways that bless others and give back to Him. (Proverbs 3:6, 9-10)

And finally, perhaps after all is said and done, I think the goals we set need to go deeper than the superficial lists of making bread, losing weight, saving money or starting a podcast.

Maybe it's time to scrap the old list of resolutions we set up for ourselves and immerse ourselves in goals with eternity in mind.

Maybe it's about spending more quiet time with God by stealing away from the noise and sitting in His presence through prayer and meditation of His Word. To focus on simply being with God.

Maybe it's about getting to know someone new with the goal of telling them how Jesus has changed our life and in turn can do the same for them.

Maybe it's about asking God to help us become bolder and more confident in standing on His truth and not being afraid to share it with anyone we will rub shoulders with.

Maybe it's about stepping outside of ourselves in order to step into the lives of those who are lost, hurting and desperate for hope.

Maybe it's about seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our every day moments and faithfully following the direction He is leading us in.

Maybe it's about committing each day to the Lord and asking that His will would be done; no matter what is competing for our attention.

There will always be something that happens that wasn’t apart of our plan, but the point of each of our days isn’t to get caught up in everything we set out to accomplish; it's to do the work the Lord has set before us to accomplish.

And to honour Him above all else.

I encourage you to pray this prayer . . .

Lord, I pray that as I continue into this new year, I would have a fresh heart and renewed spirit, motivated to intentionally honour You with each new day. May I prioritize sacred time with You, and in faith reach out with a heart of love and gentle hands that care, to serve others before myself. I pray that the inconveniences I will face would be but reminders of Your providence in my life and that Your plans are better than any of mine. Help me to foster a life that motived to honour You and pursue goals with eternity in mind.

With much love - Krista


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