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Rest in the Fight

Updated: Apr 18

bench under maple tree on the grass surrounded by the morning fog coming off the lake

Ask someone how they’re doing and two of the most common responses you’ll receive are busy, tired or both.

Everyone is weary.

Everyone is running on empty.

Everyone is on the verge of burn out.


Because we’re under spiritual attack and one of the easiest ways to keep us away from what’s best for us, is by physically and mentally exhausting us.

The enemy wants us focused on what is best for me.

The enemy wants to keep us distracted, lost, overwhelmed by the many curve balls life throws our way that ultimately leave us feeling completely depleted.

We’re attached to this fleshly body that wants physical things to bring us comfort, peace and hope. But our battle is not against flesh: it’s against spiritual forces beyond what our eyes can see or comprehend (Ephesians 6). There is a war waging on around us day and night, night and day — forever chipping away at the armour we painstakingly try to keep on because we’re on the front lines fighting a war with the wrong weapons.

When we’re tired, we opt for sleep instead of choosing time with God.

When we’re overwhelmed, we opt for a bubble bath instead of prayer and worship.

When we’re distracted, we opt for more of what’s distracting instead of seeking the needs of others.

We’re in a spiritual battle and this battle requires intentional effort to do what is right.

It’s a fight to pick up your Bible.

It’s a fight to get on your knees and pray.

It’s a fight to raise your hands and worship.

It’s a fight to gather in fellowship.

But this is all the more reason why remaining close to God requires intentional effort because we can’t fight while being lackadaisical about our faith. If we are, we will lose before we even get started because we’re actually running full speed into the battle unarmed.

So then how do we fight? (Ephesians 6:10-18)

First we stand firm and put on the belt of truth: the active, living word of Almighty God. (John 17:17)

Second we arm ourselves with the breast plate of righteousness: the blood of Christ that cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)

Third we slip on the shoes of readiness: to go where we He sends us to share the gospel of peace to those around us. (2 Timothy 2:15)

Fourth, we take up the shield of faith: the unwavering trust that we are covered by the hand of God and as a result nothing formed against us can stand. (Psalm 63:8 + Isaiah 54:17)

Fifth we put on the helmet of salvation: He redeemed us from the curse of sin and now we are forever and always His. We can rest assured in this timeless truth. (Galatians 3:13 + John 3:16-17)

Sixth we lift up the sword of the Spirit: the Word of God that is sharper then any two edged sword. It is the truth on which we stand and it will guard us as we step out daily in the name of the Lord. (Hebrews 4:12)

And finally, we pray: We give thanks to God, we seek His help and we lift up our brothers and sisters who fight alongside us to stay in the fight and to keep persevering. (Psalm 46:1 + James 5:16)

Now how do we persevere?

Our spiritual warfare is rest.

Not rest from the fight. But rest in the fight.

It’s not a physical rest.

It’s a spiritual rest.

The rest is found in Matthew 22:37-38: To love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind and soul.

When we draw close to God, He draws close to us (James 3:8) and the closer we get to someone, the better we know them.

When we drink deep of His truths, seeing His goodness woven through the pages of Scripture, His mercy and grace a common thread between the injustice of man and His sovereign goodness.

And we gain a clear picture of God.

We see that He is not a sideline God who's reclining in His chair with His feet up watching our lives and this world fall apart, entertained by our futile attempts to make this world a better place. No, we see that He is the God of the universe who is actively at work and involved in the lives of His people.

And as a result, our love for Him will grow until it has stretched from our heart, to our mind and settled deep into our souls.

And as a result of this all encompassing love, we will find ourselves walking in obedience with the second command of loving those around us in the way God intended us to love them because it’s His perfect love pulsing through our veins and leading us to reach out with open hands and selfless hearts.

We may still be attached to our flesh, but we’re a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), which means our flesh no longer has permission to call the shots because we have the living, resurrection power of our Lord and Saviour coursing through us. The Holy Spirit is with us and He doesn’t leave us to our own vices, but is the gift given to us from God, a down payment of our future inheritance to put away the old self and walk in the new one created in Christ. (Romans 8:9 + Ephesians 1:13-14)

As we drink deeper of Him . . .

As we look closer at Him . . .

As we seek more of Him . . .

. . . we find ourselves resting in the fight because we aren’t moving forward in our own strength, but surrendering our weaknesses as we learn to walk in His. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)

With much love - Krista

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