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On Our Knees

Updated: Apr 18

woman sitting on couch praying with bible open on her lap

He is worthy.

Worthy of glory.

Worthy of honour.

Worthy of power.

Because He created everything and everything exists because of Him. (Revelation 4:11)

He is worthy, because He is God.

How do we find ourselves in this sacred space where wretched sinner meets with awesome God?

This is a space I forfeit all too often because I keep my vulnerability at bay, forgetting that God sees all of me, knows all of me and still died for all of me.

I’m quick to spew out my wants and needs as I rush about my day, but struggle to let myself linger before Him.

I wrestle with being still in His presence; to honestly meet Him in this space that was created when the veil was torn.

I wrestle with gazing upon Him; allowing myself to pause long enough to be overcome by the magnitude of Who He is and His great love for me.

I wrestle to give myself permission to experience Him as the God of the Universe and yet simultaneously my Heavenly Father whose adoration for me goes beyond understanding.


Because being distracted is easier than being vulnerable.

The phone dings. The dogs bark. A kid sneezes. The laundry chimes. Someone is at the door. The house needs to be vacuumed. There are more dishes to do. The phone dings. I need to prep supper. The bathroom needs to be cleaned. A kid needs another snack. I forgot the laundry in the washer. The phone dings.

It’s so easy to get caught in this vicious cycle of do, forgetting that Jesus has already declared done.

This space of distraction is exactly where the enemy wants us. He would rather see us focusing our attention, energy and concern on the things that are physical and fleeting, instead of spending time with the One Who is supernatural, everlasting and deserves our everything. Which in turn, leaves us overwhelmed and utterly exhausted.

We are under spiritual attack, and one of the easiest ways to keep us away from what’s best for us, is by exhausting us.

We are in a spiritual battle, which can only be fought with spiritual weapons.

We are in spiritual warfare, and one of the most powerful ways we can fight, is on our knees.

On our knees puts us in a position of humility; telling God that we can’t but are doing our best to trust that He can.

On our knees puts us in a position of surrender; casting all our cares on Him because we know only He can do the impossible.

On our knees puts us in a position of vulnerability; admitting to God that we need His help because without Him we are insufficient.

It’s on our knees where wretched sinner meets with awesome God and discovers there’s nothing to fear because we are covered by the righteousness of His Son.

This is what the enemy wants to distract us from.

The enemy doesn’t want you to see your beauty and your worth and that because of Jesus you are precious, pure, stunningly beautiful, righteous and God’s beloved Child. (Ephesians 1)

The enemy doesn’t want you to experience the captivating wonder of God and tangibly experience Him for who He is: Faithful, Just, Trustworthy, True, Real, Loyal, Genuine, Kind, All-Knowing, Supremely Good, All-Powerful, Our Father, Forever the Same and All-Sufficient (Hebrews 13:8).

You were created to be more than exhausted.

You were created for more than the lies the enemy tricks you into believing.

You were created with purpose for One person.

For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities - all things were created through him and for him. - Colossians 1:16 ESV

Vulnerability takes courage; Jesus showed us what it means to be vulnerable and that it's worth the cost. He still took the nails knowing the worst parts of you.

Don’t pull away from this sacred space with the One who loves you more than life itself.

Give God permission to still your heart, quiet your mind and help you to experience the fullness of who He is.

And don't let the distractions keep you from stopping long enough to see that He indeed is worthy.

With much love - Krista

If this post encouraged you, please let me know in the comments 🤍


Are you looking for a meaningful way to deepen your prayer life and growing in your relationship with the Lord?

The Prayer Journal was made to help strengthen and develop a healthy rhythm of prayer in a believers life. Prayer is such an integral part of our relationship with the Lord and it is so important to intentionally devote ourselves to quiet time in His presence. I pray that this journal would encourage you to linger in His presence, helping you remain focused on the Lord and pausing to hear from Him too.

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