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Invited Inside by Jesus

Updated: Feb 4

Girl sitting in a field watching the sunrise

I stood there, listening to the voices and laughter of the people who surrounded me, and yet I felt completely alone.

I wanted to turn and join a conversation behind me, but I suddenly felt at a loss for words and insecurities began filling my mind and I had no idea where to begin to engage with another person.

I watched as a dear friend of mine was enjoying a conversation with other women. As I watched, I regretted the jealously bubbling up within me as I struggled to push past the haunted feelings of always being left out.

And I started to believe the lie the enemy was weaving into my heart, that I would always be stuck on the outside.

Have you ever felt entirely alone, even while surrounded by a room of people?

Have you ever been in a conversation, but didn’t know how to fully engage?

Have you ever been jealous of the relationships around you, feeling as if you’re the one forever stuck on the outside?

Each of these places are challenging spaces to be in; but they can teach us a very valuable truth: Our insecurities and loneliness will never be filled by the people we rub shoulders with, they will only be redeemed at the feet of Jesus.

When we seek to be found by the crowd, we’ll always be lost.

When we seek to speak from our own wisdom, conversations will fall flat.

When we seek to be in interactions we’re not meant to be in, we’ll more than often find ourselves on the outside.

This makes me think of Jesus. He felt everything we feel. He sympathizes with us and understands the struggle we face each and every moment of any given day (Hebrews 4:15) because He was on the outside (John 6:38).

But Jesus wasn’t concerned about being alone in the crowd, because He had an intimately close relationship with His Heavenly Father (Luke 5:16).

Jesus wasn’t concerned about what He would say, because He remained close to His Father, He knew the Spirit would draw Him into the right conversations and give Him the right words to speak (John 14:10).

Jesus wasn’t concerned about being the one on the outside; He simply found others who were there with Him and met them right where they were.

He sat with the sinners (Matthew 9:10-11)

He had compassion on and healed the sick (Matthew 14:14)

He didn’t condemn the outcast (John 8)

He came to save a lost and hopeless generation of people (John 3:16-17)

He met people on the outside and made them feel loved, encouraged, seen and valued because He was entirely secure in the love of His Father.

How can we get from spaces of insecurity to this place of complete security?

1. By drawing closer and closer to God

The Bible says that when we draw close to God, He will respond by drawing close to us (James 4:8a). It’s here, in this sacred space with the Lord where we will grow, we will be filled to overflowing and our desire to be apart of man’s world will dissipate as we clearly see the beautiful reality of being apart of God’s world and family.

2. By seeking wisdom from the Holy Spirit

As we take the time to listen to His still small voice (Psalm 46:10), we will be able to discern where He wants us to go (John 16:4-15). As we make a practice of doing this, we will be less concerned about being seen, included, and filled by those around us because we’ll already have found all those things in our Lord.

3. Making sure we haven’t pushed Jesus to the outside.

We need to constantly check ourselves to see if we’re following Jesus' example.

  • Are we stealing away in solitude with the Father?

  • Are we looking to the needs of others instead being consumed by a lack of confidence or selfish desire?

  • Are we trusting God to open the doors we’re meant to walk through and drawing us into interactions He wants us to be apart of?

Like Jesus we need to intentionally —-

Take time to notice the people who feel lost, and pray for them (John 17:20-26).

Take time to notice the people who aren’t engaged, and talk with them (John 4:7-15).

Take time to notice the people who appear to be on the outside, and sit with them (Mark 2:15).

We can trust that God will never lead us somewhere and then leave us alone. He’s with us in every crowded space. He's with us in every conversation and He's with us as we reach out to invite others inside.

And when we feel alone, when our words fall short or when we start to believe the lie that we’ll always be stuck on the outside -- remember we’ve been invited inside by Jesus, and this is the safest most secure place we’ll ever be.

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. - Matthew 11:28-30 ESV

With much love - Krista


If you're anything like me, the idea of stepping out and doing this probably makes you shake a little. I encourage you to ask God for His strength (Psalm 119:28), pray for boldness (Ephesians 6:19) and seek His direction (Proverbs 16:3).

If you would like me to be in prayer over this with you, let me know in the comments, send me an email: or DM me on social media: @restandremain

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Jane Beltramin
Jane Beltramin
Dec 14, 2023

You hit the heart of how so many of us feel and then gave us a beautiful solution. Thank you!

Krista Kalinowski
Krista Kalinowski
Dec 14, 2023
Replying to

Awe thank you so much Jane! ♥️ so glad it blessed you!


Nov 21, 2023

So beautiful Krista. This touched my heart. Thank you.

Krista Kalinowski
Krista Kalinowski
Nov 21, 2023
Replying to

You are very welcome! This blesses my heart knowing it touched yours!

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