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Father, Forgive Them

Updated: Apr 18

wooden cross with red cloth hanging from it

Forgiveness is hard but necessary, because without it we give the enemy room to stomp out the light of love we are to display to a watching world.

When we harbour unforgiveness, we grow calloused and bitter toward the one(s) who have done injustices to us and we create the perfect opportunity for darkness to creep in and turn us away from loving first. (James 3:13-18)

Our lives become laced with jealousy, anger, selfish-ambitions and even hatred toward those who’ve slapped us on the cheek.

We become divided from the very people Christ has called us to love.

Harbouring unforgiveness leaves us distant, cold and segregated.

This is what Jesus came to abolish; the calloused and prideful hearts of man.

Jesus came to unite a lost generation of people into one holy family. To show us that loving someone is more important than the offence they've committed against us.

And He did this by showing us how to forgive.

After they mocked and reviled Him.

After they unapologetically spat in His face.

After they pushed the thorny crown into His head.

After they brutally brought His body to almost broken.

After they hammered those nails into His hands and feet.

After they turned their backs in rejection of Him.

After they lifted that blood stained cross.

He looked to Heaven and cried . . .

“Father, forgive them for they know not what they do . . .” (Luke 23:34)

This is the example He left for us: To forgive the unforgivable.

Forgiveness is love in action.

Forgiven is the sacrifice of self.

Forgiveness is understanding that no injustice ever done against me is less than what I actually deserve.

If He can forgive those who held the hammer and lifted the cross . . .

The cross that was meant for me.

The cross that was meant for you.

We can forgive too.

Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. (Colossians 3:12-14 ESV)



My Cross

Fractured. Fragmented. Incomplete.

I’m surprised my heart still has a beat.

Damaged. Unkept. Untamed.

Dirty and vile, I feel ashamed.

Corrupted. Calloused. Confused.

To my imperfections I feel fused.

My reflection appears tainted and flawed.

How can you love me God?

For I was there that day

Standing in the crowd

I watched them as they flogged You

And pushed You to the ground

I was there that day

I helped them hold the nails

Taking the hammer in my hands

Ignoring Your painful wails

For I was there that day

As you were mocked and scoffed

A crown of thorns placed on Your head

I watched as they lifted you on my cross

For You hung in my place

You took it all for me.

Yet as I drove the nails in deep

You whispered, ‘I’ll still set you free.’

Complete. Justified. Made new.

You replaced my sinful heart with You.

Corrected. Redeemed. Redefined.

Beauty from ashes, I feel alive.

Righteous. Holy. Standing in truth.

My imperfections You can use.

Though all I have to offer is my broken.

You only desire my unwavering devotion.

May my tears forever wash Your feet.

May my lips forever speak of You.

May my life forever be an offering

Like the sweet alabaster perfume.

May I always remember the day

You were hung on that tree.

And may I never ever forget

That cross was meant for me.

With much love - Krista

If this post encouraged you, please let me know in the comments 🤍


What does the Bible say about forgiveness?

Forgiveness, it's one of those commands we tend to either glance over or deeply struggle with as a believer - yet God clearly tells us as followers of Christ, we should be characterized by forgiveness. I created this Scripture Writing plan with the intention of helping other believers see this characteristic in light of what the Bible says, both in how we apply it and how it has been abundantly given to us.

gold and pink abstract heart art painting


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