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1 on 1 Mentoring


Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser;

teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

Proverbs 9:9 ESV

Mentoring is rooted in cultivating a relationship built on God's Word and led by the Holy Spirit. It's about walking with others through their struggles because at some point or another, we all need help.


And that's okay.


Sometimes it's hard to admit we need help and even once we've admitted we need it, well it can be hard to ask for it. I understand, because I've been there and still find myself there at times.


Life is full of hight hills to climb and low valleys to journey through, and our desire for control and our pride raises walls that discourage us from reaching out to someone who we can walk with as we navigate the challenges we face.


What God reminds me of over and over again is that we were were not made to do life on our own because He has built us for community (Romans 12:4-5, Galatians 6:2). He uses the guidance and wisdom of others who are firmly planted in the Word and attentive to the Spirit, as a way to guide, shape and grow us into His image. 


How Do I Know if Mentoring is Right for Me?

  • You love Jesus, but life still just feels really hard. â€‹


  • You often feel alone or misunderstood and you know it would be great if you could just find someone to be in your corner to help you navigate everything that's going on.​


  • You have a hard time keeping your thoughts from spiralling into worries, doubts, fears and anxieties.​


  • You think it would just be great to have someone to talk to who will simply listen to you; a sounding board to help process everything going on in your mind.​​​


  • You have a hard time creating goals for yourself and even following through with them and it would help if you had a level of accountability to motivate you and keep you on track.​​


  • You want to align your heart with God and grow in your faith, but there just feels like there's this disconnect between you and Him. â€‹â€‹


  • If you've already gone through the Discipleship Program but you would like to dive deeper into certain areas of weakness / topics that were covered.

How will I be supported during our time together?

  • I will ask questions, suggest activities, provide a listening ear and accountability, as well as share resources I believe will help you in your walk with the Lord. â€‹â€‹


  • The space is always yours. Which means sessions are not rigid, but follow a loose layout; if you simply just need to get something off your chest or process a recent experience then that is what we will do. The time belongs to you and I want you to reap the benefits of that time. 


  • I will continually encourage you to draw closer to God, to honestly reflect on the time you spend with Him and why this is key to overcoming the spiritual battles we are in. 


  • Time of prayer. I can pray, you can pray or we can; but I believe this is very important to keep us centred on Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit to work in either of our lives. 

What You Will Recieve

Mentoring Sessions: Weekly or Biweekly calls via Google Meet for 45 minutes.


Weekly Homework: Apply what you're learning between sessions. The only way you can grow is if you put into practice what you're being taught. This will also help you see the progress you're making. 


Resources: I will provide online resources or suggest books that I believe can help you. I will also create worksheets tailored specifically to your needs if that is something you want or need. 


Unlimited SupportBetween sessions, I am available to serve you through email or DM on social media (if you're in Canada we can text me). I can do check in's to make sure you're staying on track and to keep you accountable to your goals. 


Session Notes: If you want / need them, I will send you a PDF files of the notes I've taken during out time together so you can see your progress and review anything we've talked through. 


Your Investment: $75 CAD per session


I recommend meeting for a minimum of 3-6 months to get the most out of our time together, but please know that you may stop whenever you feel you've met your desired goals.  

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