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1 on 1 Discipleship


He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Psalm 91:1-2 ESV

Discipleship is about coming alongside women and helping them cultivate and build healthy rhythms of rest into their daily lives.


Rest is such an integral part of our walk with Christ, but we live in a world that is forever on, that never sleeps and is terribly loud. Something I've struggled with in the world of constant go and pressing forward, is knowing how to make room for rest. To switch off the ON botton, embrace the quiet and stillness of God and to simply be present.


In a world that is continually going, it's easy to let the simple moments slip past us. It's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of it all. But this striving, this perpetual pull in a forward direction wasn't what we were created for.


God formed us on the sixth day of Creation and our first day on earth was the seventh day, the day God rested from all the work He had done. We were created to work from a place of rest but the brokenness and damage sin caused has fractured the reality of what this is supposed to even look like.


How do we live life abundantly without striving? 

How do we work from a place of unshakeable rest? 

How do we then remain in this space? 


Keep scrolling to learn more . . . .


1 on 1 Discipleship helps you with each of the above areas through

the core process of R.E.S.T


  1. Renew Your Mind 

  2. Examine Your Heart

  3. Surrender Your Will

  4. Trust Your God

It All Starts With Renewing Your Mind


10 Week Discipleship Program: Unshakeable Rest

Discipleship Program: 10 weekly or biweekly calls via Google Meet for 30 minutes.

- Our first session together will be more about getting to know each other and explaining how the program works ​


Resources/Homework: I will provide you with a â€‹digital workbook that can be printed out and you will complete specific lessons between sessions. 


Unlimited SupportBetween sessions, I am available to serve you through email or DM on social media (if you're in Canada you can text me). I can do check in's to make sure you're staying on track and to keep you accountable to your goals. 


Session Notes: If you want / need them, I will send you a PDF file of the notes I've taken during our time together so you can review anything we've talked through. 


Your Investment: $350 CAD for the 10 weeks 

Preview of the Unshakeable Rest Program Workbook 1: Renew Your Mind​

lesson 1 renew your mind program preview
renew your mind program brown and pink chart
three friends sitting by the lake
open bible on wooden table next to a jar of pens and cup of coffee
renew your mind program brown, pink and green chart
notebook on table with pen and flowers
woman wearing a white dress holding her bible

Program Overview

Lesson 1: Meditating on God's Word

  • ​Learn how to take your thoughts captive 

  • See the importance of being in God's Word 

  • Receive a simply outline to help you study the bible 

  • Reflect on the importance of memorizing scripture 

  • Given a simple way to help remember verses 


Lesson 2: Seeking Community + Godly Counsel

  • Reflect on the importance of community when it comes to the body of Christ 

  • Think about why we should be supporting one another as Christians  

  • Consider the people you know who can walk with you 


Lesson 3: Controlling What You Think 

  • ​Reflect on the thoughts that fill your mind 

  • Learn what it means to take your thoughts captive 

  • Complete an activity on replacing lies with truth 


Lesson 4: Always Be In Prayer 

  • Learn about the 4 parts that make up prayer 

  • See how this connects with how God protects our minds 

  • Reflect on what you need to fill your mind with 

  • Reflect on your prayer life 

  • Gain clarity on the importance of prayer 

  • Given a simple guide to help you with praying 


Lesson 5: Spiritual Health - Your View of God

  • Understand why having a proper view and understanding of God affects your spiritual health â€‹

  • Reflect on your view of God and what has shaped that view 

  • Take time to understand your beliefs about God: what is true and what isn't

  • Complete an activity on Who God is and reflect on what you believe is true and what you struggle to believe about Him 


Lesson 6: Spiritual Health - Learning to Be Still 

  • ​Learn why being still is so important in our walk with the Lord 

  • Reflect on what this means to you and what it looks like in your life 

  • See how this is connected with knowing God for Who He is


Lesson 7: Spiritual Health - Your True Identity 

  • ​Learn about false identities and see which ones you've believed about yourself

  • Reflect on a personal example about false identity and what it looks like to replace it with truth 

  • Learn about what emotional bruises are and how they can affect us

  • Reflect on another personal example to gain a clear understanding 

  • Consider your own life and the emotional bruises you may be carrying 

  • Learn about the true identity you have in Christ 

  • Complete an activity on replacing your false identity with your true identity 

  • See how this true identity changes us from the inside out  

  • Poem: Defined By God 


Lesson 8: Spiritual Health - Your Purpose

  • Gain an understanding of the difference between your purpose and your passion â€‹

  • Learn what the 5 parts your purpose can be broken into 

  • Reflect on each of the parts 

  • Learn about what spiritual gifts are and what six of the most common ones are

  • Provided with a short list of simple ways to share the gospel 

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